Hey everyone, I hope you are having a great weekend. This week’s update is below.
Weekly Progress:
I have begun working on chapter 4 for The Aspect Book 3. I had an awesome weekend of sprinting with Chase Danger and Atlas Kane. It was a lot of fun getting through the beginning part of the book and getting me back on schedule. This week’s progress will probably be minimal, as I have an on call shift this upcoming weekend. However, I will be taking some time off during the last week of March for my birthday and to get some solid writing in for the month.
Art Update:
I spoke with Chloe on the next batch of art coming out. She’ll be working on the character sheets for Sophia and Saïgra this month, with the hope to get Alyndra done as well. If not, then it won’t be released until May. Once the art is available, I will release them on the website and social media. My way of saying thanks for joining me on this journey. As long as people keep reading the series, I’ll plan to continue to get art created for each of the harem members.
Nothing on this front. Like I said, it probably won’t release until sometime in March. I will keep you all updated on book 1’s audible release.
That’s it for me this week. I hope you all have a wonderful week.