Hey everyone,
I hope you all had a great weekend. Below is this week’s update.
Writing Progress:
On the Aspect, most of my betas have completed the review of book 3. I am waiting on 1-2 more people to give their thoughts. I’ve also heard good feedback from the Patreon readers. So far, everything has been positive. I’ve made a few edits here or there, but nothing that has required a rewrite which is always good news. You never know how things are going to be received until you put it out there. I’ve been in constant communication with my editor, and she is on her final pass. Hopefully, we’ll get something back in the next week or two.
I also completed the three scripts for the spinoff hybrid series I have titled A Romp Around Iðna. To give a bit more context about this series, its premise is that the main character, you, will have a sexual journey across Iðna. While there will be harem elements to it, it’s going to be more about you encountering people across the world and sleeping with them on your quest to discover your recently deceased father’s hidden past. Each episode will have a written second point of view prompt that you will read first, and then you will start the NSFW audio. This is something I am excited to see how it’s received and hear your thoughts. I’m hoping this drives some more people to Patreon, and it can be something I can afford to do at least monthly. I am currently waiting to hear back from the voice artist’s casting team to do the casting call. While I am waiting to hear back from them, and we complete the auditions, I will be finishing the prompts. I’ve already written a few hundred words, and I should have those done this week. I’ll be releasing the first episode for free, and the second and third will be exclusive on Patreon.
I’ve also settled on a name for the upcoming Sci-Fi series: Warhawk’s Amnesty. The cover for the book is attached below. Book 1 will focus on Sebastian Warhawk’s journey, reintegrating into society, finding out who he can and cannot trust, dealing with a past that will never let him go, and shooting his way across the galaxy. While he’s at it, he will need to rely on others, maybe even start his own crew. One thing that’s going to be evidently clear is how different Warhawk will feel. Tempest is what I consider a lawful good soul. He always tries to do the right thing, even when it may be the wrong decision. Warhawk will be a breath of exhaust fumes. While deep down he is a good person, he’s not afraid to shoot first and ask questions later. He’s selfish, greedy, and not afraid to cut ties. I really wanted to try to write someone different, and I think it will be quickly evident how much different he is from Tempest.
Art & Audiobook:
Chloe is still hard at work on the cover art for Book 3. Once I have it, I’ll share it out. With how well the cover art for the sci-fi series went, I have put in a huge order with the NSFW artist Holly. I’m getting NSFW art done for each of the harem members of the Aspect. If Warhawk’s Amnesty does well, I will also but doing art for the harem that’s part of that story as well. That will give us monthly NSFW art on Patreon for months to come.
The audiobook for The Aspect: The Cessation’s Harbinger has been completed and submitted to amazon. I’ve released several teasers on Patreon, and released the first sample on youtube. You can check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaGQngzdUC8. However, from what I have heard recently, audiobooks are getting approved quicker than normal. Maybe we’ll get lucky and get it before the end of the month!
As you can probably tell, there will be a bigger focus from me on Patreon and driving value there. Currently, we’ve got NSFW images, exclusive series, early access, and more. With A Romp Across Iðna, we’ll have exclusive audio as well. I really want to drive more content there and let it be a place of value for you all. If there’s anything you would like to see that can be added, please let me know.
I want to end this week and say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has read or listened to my series. The audiobook for The Aspect: Journey to the Firegrove just passed 200 reviews. Reviews are critical to an author’s success, so thank you all for taking the time to do so. If you’ve enjoyed my content but haven’t left a review on amazon, please consider doing so. Thank you again for your constant support. That’s it for me this week. I hope you all have a good week ahead.